If you want quality size and Major Mass™, you need quality ingredients. Enhance your lean muscle growth with our specialized 20:30:10 ratio combination of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.
How many scoops do I take?
Mix 2 level scoops of Major Mass™ for every 6-8 oz. of water or beverage of your choice.
When do I take it?
Pre-workout: Consume Major Mass™ prior to training, to support muscle endurance.
Post-workout: Consume Major Mass™ immediately following your workout, to enhance recovery.
For MAJOR Results: Consume 2-4 servings of Major Mass™ daily, to satisfy your mass gaining goals.
How does it mix?
Effortlessly - Just add 2 level scoops of Major Mass™ to every 6-8 oz. of water or beverage of choice, and shake to dissolve the powder. There’s no mess, NO CLUMPS, just AMAZING TASTE.
How many calories, carbs, and sugar are in one scoop?
Major Mass™ contains 250 calories, 31g of carbohydrates, and only 10g sugar per 2 scoops.
How many grams of protein are in one scoop?
Major Mass™ contains 20g in two scoops, 40g in four scoops and 80g in eight scoops, of pure lean mass gaining protein.
What can I stack Major Mass™ with?
Stack Major Mass™ with K-XR pre-workout and / or Aminogex Ultra™ BCAAs.
DIRECTIONS: As a dietary supplement, Mix 2 level scoops of Major Mass™ for every 6-8 oz. of water or beverage of your choice.
As a dietary supplement, Mix 2 level scoops of Major Mass™ for every 6-8 oz. of water or beverage of your choice.
Select a flavor to see its nutrition info: