What is a PCT Supplement?
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) supplements are intended to restore optimal functioning of your hormonal pathways including via the Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Testicular Axis (HPTA) coming off an aggressive run of supplements. The goal of PCT supplements is to ensure that your natural testosterone production isn’t “shut down” coming off cycle.
What is PrimeVie® Shilajit?
PrimaVie® Shiliat is a premium quality, clinically studied, extract of purified Shilajit from the Himalayas. PrimaVie® supports sexual health, energy production and overall fitness. PrimaVie is a registered trademark of Natreon Inc.
What is Luteinizing Hormone?
In men, where LH is also referred to as "interstitial cell-stimulating hormone", it acts to stimulate Leydig cell production of testosterone. Luteinizing hormone is a hormone produced by gonadotropic cells in the anterior pituitary gland.
What is DHT?
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a metabolite of Testosterone. It is a powerful hormone that competes with testosterone for the same receptors in the body. Optimal testosterone production involves keeping DHT in check!
Who should use A-XR PCT™?
Anyone looking to restore natural testosterone production and boost libido & vitality. Post-cycle therapy is especially crucial for any athlete coming off an aggressive supplement cycle.
How should I consume A-XR PCT™?
Take 2 capsules, once per day, preferably prior to your first meal, or 30 minutes prior to weight training and/or physical activity. Do not exceed 2 capsules in any 24-hour period
What can I stack with A-XR PCT?
A-XR PCT™ stacks well with Prostate Full Spectrum
DIRECTIONS: Take 2 capsules 20-30 minutes prior to your first meal, or 30 minutes prior to training; once per day for 4-6 weeks. Do not consume more than 2 capsules per day. Take immediately post cycle. Do not consume for more than 8 weeks consecutively without cycling off for 2-4 weeks.
Directions For Use: As a dietary supplement, Take 2 capsules 20-30 minutes prior to your first meal, or 30 minutes prior to training; once per day for 4-6 weeks. Do not consume more than 2 capsules per day. Take immediately post cycle. Do not consume for more than 8 weeks consecutively without cycling off for 2-4 weeks.