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Nutrabio Reload V5

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NutraBio Reload is THE PREMIER all-in-one, scientifically-formulated recovery matrix. Using the latest advances in supplement research, Reload combines ingredients known to work synergistically to reduce exercise-induced muscle damage, support rapid recovery, and promote muscle strength and growth. Refueling your body with critical nutrients throughout the day after intense training is essential to protecting gains and keeping your body in an anabolic state.

This is why NutraBio Reload contains key recovery enhancing, muscle building ingredients such as glutamine, creatine, beta alanine, betaine, and an unparalleled 8g dose of BCAAs, to ensure optimal protein synthesis, decrease muscle soreness, and ultimately have you ready to tackle your next training session with full intensity.



  • Creatine is an amino acid (broken down protein) derived compound produced in the body that serves as the primary fuel source (ATP) for short duration, high intensity activities such as sprinting and weight lifting. Creatine is stored primarily in muscle tissue, and it is used for rephosphorylating ADP into ATP. This means that when our muscles use up our energy stores, creatine helps to replenish those stores in a fairly rapid manner. Approximately 2 grams of creatine are found in individuals that do not supplement and maintain a diet including animal based proteins. Those who do supplement can increase their body's internal creatine pool by 10 to 40% depending on diet and total lean muscle mass.

  • As a whole creatine is arguably the most extensively researched and effective supplement available today. Over 500 studies exist of the ergogenic benefits of creatine supplementation with over 70% of these studies producing significant improvements in performance without any detrimental side effects.
  • Creatine has been proven to increase lean muscle mass, maximal strength, power, and muscular endurance.
  • Creatine may also help keep you hydrated in extreme outdoor conditions
  • Emerging research suggest creatine may provide cognitive and overall brain health benefits.
  • Creatine MagnaPower is more soluble than creatine monohydrate and in theory should absorb better; requiring a lower dose to achieve the same ergogenic benefits as creatine monohydrate.
  • The ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition) position stand on creatine monohydrate (CM) found that short-term CM supplementation has been reported to improve maximal power/strength (5-15%), work performed during sets of maximal effort muscle contractions (5-15%), single-effort sprint performance (1-5%), and work performed during repetitive sprint performance (5-15%). Long-term CM supplementation appears to enhance the overall quality of training, leading to 5 to 15% greater gains in strength and performance.



  • Taurine is one of the most important, useful, and safest amino acids. Taurine is best known for its beneficial effects on the heart and cardiovascular system. Early clinical research also suggests that taurine, in combination with caffeine, can produce improvements in mental performance. When the body engages in extreme physical activity, it no longer will be able to produce the necessary amounts of taurine, therefore supplementation becomes necessary.
  • Taurine is involved in the regulation of core body temperature and may help prevent heat stress and stroke.
  • Taurine is also acts is an osmolyte; assisting the body in maintaining proper water balance.
  • Zhang et al. (2004) found that individuals who supplemented with taurine for 1 week before an exhaustive exercise bout significantly improved time to exhaustion, VO2 max, and maximal workload. It also decreased exercise induced DNA damage.


  • Calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are vital electrolytes needed to maintain bodily water balance and facilitate motor neuron function.
  • Electrolytes have been shown to prevent muscle cramps and are essential to normal muscular contractions.
  • As we exercise electrolytes are lost through sweat and must be replaced in order to prevent decreases in performance
  • Sims et al. (2007) discovered that pre-exercise ingestion of a high-sodium beverage increased plasma volume before exercise and involved less thermoregulatory and perceived strain during exercise and increased exercise capacity in warm conditions.

Reload is in a classification of its own. A true recovery formula from the most trusted name in sports nutrition, NutraBio, who believes in using only the most efficacious, clinically dosed, and research backed ingredients on the market without all the fluff. Reload contain no proprietary blends, fillers, excipients, chemicals, or any other harmful or unneeded additives. Only ingredients shown by science to work and produce results. No corners were cut in making Reload. It covers all the bases to help prevent muscle catabolism (breakdown) and fuel your anabolic desires using the following validated ingredients:

  • BCAAs in the scientifically studied 2:1:1 ratio (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) shown to promote muscle growth, recovery, and reduce training related soreness.
  • Glutamine to replenish energy for muscles (glycogen) after exhaustive exercise which may lead to quicker recovery.
  • L-Carnitine Tartrate to reduce oxidative muscle damage and muscular fatigue.
  • L-Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate which promotes anabolic and anti-catabolic responses in the body which may play a role in boosting recovery.
  • Glycine; which plays a critical role in repairing damaged muscle tissue and is necessary for the biosynthesis of creatine.
  • Carnosyn Beta-Alanine to buffer the negative side effects of hydrogen ion accumulation in muscles during and after intense exercise. This accumulation is thought to be the culprit behind DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).
  • Betaine Anhydrous to combat fatigue, lower levels of lactate, and stimulate muscle protein synthesis.
  • Creatine Monohydrate and Creatine MagnaPower for greater strength, power, and muscle gains as well as increased solubility and absorption.
  • Taurine to decrease exercise induced DNA damage.
  • Electrolyte and hydration optimizer that helps maintain water balance in the muscle, facilitates motor neuron function, and increase exercise capacity.

While there are a multitude of products on the market that address pre, intra, and post workout supplementation, there are very few that address the nutrient and recovery needs of individuals after post workout supplementation, in between meals, and on non-training days. The strategic timing of proper nutrients, such as those found in Reload, taken over a 24 to 48-hour period after your workout ends can greatly affect levels of muscle protein synthesis (MPS); arguably the most important physiological factor in existence when it comes to muscle growth, strength, and recovery. Without proper nutrients MPS is minimized and the body is thrown into a negative protein balance which may lengthen recovery time, extend muscle soreness, and lessen gains in strength and size.

NutraBio Reload was developed to address the time after post workout supplementation and in between meals to keep the MPS machine going. Multiple studies suggest that the ingredients found in Reload, coupled with other NutraBio products and a high protein diet, taken at specific intervals throughout the day promote higher net protein gains via increased amino acid availability and more frequent stimulation of MPS over a 48-hour period. This amplifies the muscle building response, ramps up repair, and promotes full body recovery. The chart below outlines a supplementation and diet protocol designed to maximize protein synthesis/recovery on training and non-training days:

Suggested Use and Stacking

  Training Days Non-Training Days
6:00am Wake Wake
6:30am Breakfast* Breakfast*
7:30am NutraBio PRE NutraBio Reload
8:00 - 9:00am Workout + NutraBio Intra Blast  
11:00am NutraBio BCAA 5000 + Snack NutraBio BCAA 5000 + Snack
12:30pm Lunch* Lunch*
3:00pm NutraBio Reload + Snack NutraBio Reload + Snack
5:00pm Dinner* Dinner*
7:30pm NutraBio BCAA 5000 + Snack NutraBio BCAA 5000 + Snack
9:30pm NutraBio Micellar Casein NutraBio Micellar Casein

*Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner should consist of a meal containing 25-35 grams of high quality protein to maximize protein synthesis.
**When not stacked with other NutraBio products such as PRE or Intra Blast; Reload can be taken 1-2 times/daily

With Reload, you make no sacrifices - you get proven and powerful recovery agents, without the junk. Reload represents a commitment to quality NutraBio has made since day 1. This commitment involves using only the highest quality ingredients backed by research, effective clinical doses, and no proprietary blends. Although the industry makes it seems like this is a new trend; the fact is NutraBio pioneered these concepts well over a decade ago. For us, it has never been a question of when a good time to start being honest is. We have always been the innovators, not the imitators. We focused on creating the most superior amino acid recovery solution, and we've done just that with Reload.

No other recovery product on the market matches Reload's level of transparency and potent combination of amino acids, performance enhancers, and electrolytes your body needs to go longer and harder while supporting optimal growth and recovery. At the end of the day, NutraBio isn't just about marketing hype and trying to maximize our profit. It's all about giving athletes what they want to meet their performance needs by giving them access to clean supplements that are innovative and effective. Like you, we want to train hard and see the results of our efforts. If you're looking for a prime recovery fuel, you'd be hard pressed to find a more appealing option than Reload.

Here are what others are saying about NutraBio Reload:

"I feel less sore the next day and have more energy. Weeks into using this post workout and my arms are already getting well-toned. I would recommend this product to my friends." - Submitted by via

"If DOMS are a problem, here is a solution. - Submitted by shae2311 via

"The Iron Does Not Forgive, But Thankfully NutraBio Does By Giving You Vital Post Workout Support. - Submitted by WarMachine via

The Science Behind NutraBio Reload

A closer look at the 16 ingredients and doses used to make NutraBio Reload the most effective and complete recovery formula on the market.


The essential amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine collectively form what is referred to as the Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). These amino acids are essential because they cannot be produced in the body and must be provided though supplementation or diet. BCAAs comprise approximately 30% of the total muscle protein pool and are the primary amino acids oxidized in the muscle during exercise and catabolic stress. For these reasons athletes supplement with BCAAs for the purpose of increasing muscle mass, reducing muscle damage, blunting fatigue, and increasing energy during exercise.

Hundreds of studies exist on the ergogenic benefits of BCAAs. The majority of them show that BCAAs, whether consumed throughout the day or pre, during, or post-exercise; decrease protein catabolism (breakdown) and support muscle protein synthesis... a physiological process responsible for muscle growth and repair. Furthermore, BCAAs are vitally important to glucose (energy) production; contributing to greater than 40% of glucose production during sustained endurance exercise.

A study done in 2009 found that subjects who supplemented with BCAAs while following an 8-week resistance training program had a greater decrease in body fat, an increase in lean mass, and greater strength gains on the bench press and squat compared to the non-BCAA group.

The BCAAs found in NutraBio Relaod are in the researched backed ratio of 2:1:1 (Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine) and come from plant sources as opposed to animal sources such as feathers or hair


  • Leucine is one of the essential branched chain amino acids (BCAA). By itself it can stimulate muscle protein synthesis; the process responsible for muscle growth and recovery. This is why it is often referred to as the "main" amino acid.
  • Supplementation with at least 2/grams daily leucine has been shown decrease muscle soreness, lessen recovery time between workouts, and increase lean muscle mass.
  • Howatson et al. (2012) discovered that leucine (combined with isoleucine and valine) administered before muscle damaging resistance exercises reduced indices of muscle damage and accelerated recovery in resistance trained males.


  • Isoleucine, like leucine, is another BCAA that can stimulate muscle protein synthesis, but to a lesser when not combined with the other BCAAs. However, Isoleucine significantly increases glucose uptake and the usage of glucose during exercise; leading to greater energy production.
  • Isoleucine may also play in role in the fat burning abilities of BCAAs.
  • Nishimura et al. (2010) found that mice consuming a high fat diet in conjunction with isoleucine gained less fat mass than mice not receiving isoleucine. This was due to isoleucine's ability to stimulate receptors (PPAR) that inhibit fat storage and increase fat burning.


  • Valine, the third BCAA, promotes muscular endurance and decrease fatigue during exercise.
  • When exercising tryptophan is converted to serotonin and signals the brain that the body is fatigued... ultimately leading to a decrease in muscle strength and endurance
  • Since Valine competes with tryptophan for entry into the brain, and prevails, less serotonin gets to the brain; ultimately leading to stronger muscular contractions, quicker recovery between sets, and prolonged muscular strength and endurance.



  • L-glutamine is the most prevalent free amino acid in plasma and one of the most prevalent found in muscle tissue.
  • L-Glutamine stimulates muscle protein synthesis and is effective at replenishing energy for muscles (glycogen) after exhaustive exercise which may lead to quicker recovery.
  • L-Glutamine may also increase cell volumization (hydration) and lead to increases in muscle hypertrophy.
  • L-Glutamine may also reduce protein breakdown and support immune function.
  • Lehmkuhl et al. (2003) found individual supplementing with glutamine and creatine monohydrate for 8 weeks increased body mass, lean body mass and initial rate of power production compared to placebo.


  • L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is derived from lysine and methionine and is essential for transporting long-chain fatty acids from the cytosol into the mitochondria for subsequent fat breakdown and energy production.
  • L-Carnitine has also been shown to reduce exercise-induced muscle damage, muscular fatigue, and reduce soreness.
  • A study conducted by Volek et al. (2002) found that supplementation with L-Carnitine daily for one week in healthy resistance trained men was able to reduce markers of muscle damage after weight lifting. It was also discovered that biomarkers of oxidative damage reduced to baseline sooner than placebo.
  • Ho et al. (2010) discovered that middle aged males and females who supplemented with L-Carnitine over a 24-day period experienced less muscle damage and soreness following exercise and had less oxidative markers in serum after exercise.


  • OKG is a combination of two molecules of the nonessential amino acid, ornithine, bound to alpha-ketoglutarate. OKG has been shown to stimulate an increase in arginine, plasma glutamate, and intramuscular glutamine, as well as stimulate an increase in insulin secretion, nitric oxide synthesis, HGH, and IGF1. The increases in these substances due to OKG promote anabolic and anti-catabolic responses in the body which may play a role in boosting recovery.
  • OKG may also improve exercise performance by reducing ammonia concentrations in the blood thus lessening fatigue of working muscles.
  • OKG plays a supporting role in muscle protein synthesis
  • Suqino et al. (2008) found those supplementing with L-ornithine for 6 days were able to reduce perceptions of fatigue by 52% compared to placebo. The author also observed that ammonia accrual during exercise was reduced compared to placebo.
  • NutraBio's OKG is fully reacted, which means it is positively bonded. It is the exact same form that the positive research studies were based on.


  • Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that is used to help generate muscle tissue, assist with proper cell growth and production, and convert glycogen into energy. It also plays an important role in proper nervous system function.
  • Glycine is required for the biosynthesis of creatine. Glycine increases the body's creatine levels and helps prevent the breakdown of muscle.
  • In the absence of glycine, damaged muscle tissue cannot be repaired.
  • Current research has suggested that glycine supplementation may increase growth hormone (GH) levels 3-4 hours post exercise via its stimulatory agents acting upon the pituitary gland. This increase in GH theoretically could lead to faster recovery times and greater muscle growth.



  • Beta-alanine (BA) is a version of the amino acid alanine which serves as the precursor to carnosine (ß-alanyl-L-histidine) in skeletal muscle. Supplementing with BA is a highly effective means of increasing muscle carnosine content. Increased muscle carnosine helps buffer the negative side effects of hydrogen ion accumulation in muscles as exercise intensity increases.
  • Beta-Alanine supplementation has been linked to improved exercise performance and delayed fatigue at higher intensities in both trained and untrained individuals in events lasting 1-4 minutes.
  • Increases in lean muscle mass and muscular endurance have also been noted with supplementation.
  • A recent meta-analysis confirmed the ergogenic effect of beta-alanine, showing a 2.85% increase in exercise performance compared to placebo when dosed at ~2/grams daily.


  • Malic acid plays a vital role in the Krebs cycle where it helps turn carbs, proteins, and fats into energy.
  • If there is an inadequate supply of malic acid in the body the Krebs cycle cannot function properly which leads to premature fatigue.


  • Betaine, scientifically referred to as Trimethylglycine, is a metabolite of choline. Betaine's two main functions in the body are as a methyl donor and osmolyte. As an osmolyte, betaine protects proteins, cells, and enzymes from heat, dehydration, and other physiological stresses. As a methyl donor, betaine is used to convert homocysteine to L-methionine, and is therefore, a precursor to creatine.
  • Doses of 2500-6000mg betaine daily may increase muscular strength, endurance, and total training volume.
  • Betaine also plays a role in hepatic fat metabolism, promoting muscle protein synthesis, and has been suggested to increase nitric oxide levels.
  • A study conducted by the University of Connecticut found that individuals supplementing with 1.25 grams of betaine twice/daily increased bench press power 20%.

SUGGESTED USE: NutraBio RELOAD Recovery Matrix was developed to address the time after post workout supplementation and in between meals to boost muscle recovery, reduce exercise-induced muscle damage and support muscle growth and repair. As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop of RELOAD into 8-12 ounces of water. Vary the amount of water to achieve your desired flavor level. For maximum results, RELOAD should be taken on training and non-training days as follows: On training days: Take RELOAD once daily. If training in the morning, take 1 serving between meals late in the afternoon or evening. If training in the evening, take 1 serving early in the day. On non-training days: Take one serving 1-2 times daily between meals. Stacks well with NutraBio’s PRE and INTRA BLAST: On training days, take PRE 30 minutes prior to training, sip INTRA BLAST throughout training and take RELOAD as directed.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Lisa S.
Love the flavor

It’s got a great taste , I’m not sure if it’s doing anything for me but I’m getting my H2O in.. I may go to amino acids

Wilberto H.
Superb Customer Service!

I was looking for a product that had been discontinued and they FitOne were the only one's that had it in stock. I also needed it shipped to where I was going to vacation. With less than an hour for the post office to close and despite their daily shipments having been already picked up, they went out of their way and dropped it off at the post office. By the time I arrived at the hotel 3 days later, my product was at the front desk of the hotel waiting for me! Thanks FitOne!